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Sharifah Hardie for a Better Tomorrow

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Sharifah Hardie for a Better Tomorrow

Building Community CommunityCommunity

Sharifah has spent nearly 30 years focused on being the change she wants to see in the world!

Living Wage

Sharifah Hardie believes every American should be able to earn a living wage. Everyone should be able to feed their families, without having to work multiple jobs plus work in the gig economy.

Affordable Housing

Sharifah Hardie believes every American deserves to live the American Dream complete with white picket fence.


Sharifah Hardie believes homelessness is a man made issue that can be corrected by man. Billions of dollars have been spent to fight the unhoused crisis. Yet, all we have is more homelessness.

Gender Idealogy

Sharifah Hardie does not believe in our children being taught gender idealogy in our school systems. Our parents rights have been violated and our families are in despair.

Passionate About Entrepreneurship

Sharifah Hardie believes in creating opportunities for entrepreneurs and small business owners, as well as teaching financial literacy.

Love Is The Answer

Sharifah Hardie believes thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Matthew 22:37–39).

Recent News
Long Beach Police Department Intervenes in Realtors’ Attempted Forcible Entry of CA Gubernatorial Candidate’s Home

On March 28th, in the 1100 block of Olive Avenue, Centennial Advisers Realtor Spencer Allen and his team attempted to enter the home of California Gubernatorial Candidate Sharifah Hardie. The realtors claimed they needed to inspect the property, but Hardie was unaware the property had been listed for sale or who Centennial Advisors was. This resulted in a refusal of entry by Hardie.

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